Environmental strategy

We want to do something good for the environment

Uni-Technology’s environmental strategy will bring us closer to our objectives for the benefit of the environment, our customers, our employees and our company.

Our environmental strategy defines how we work to minimize the environmental footprint from our office, IT equipment, machinery and equipment, transport, procurement and other relevant areas.

Our environmental footprint mainly comes from

  • Resource consumption (material/raw material consumption, other procurement, waste and water).

  • Energy consumption (electricity and heat).

We are affiliated with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and are working to become environmentally certified, possibly according to ISO 14001 Environmental Management or similar.


It is Uni-Technology’s objective, in addition to complying with legislation and other requirements, to contribute to a long-term sustainable development of society, where we strive to continuously reduce our environmental footprint through systematic work with improvements.

We want to

  • Achieve an absolute reduction in scope 1 and 2 emissions by 70% by 2030 compared to our base line year 2018.

  • Measure and report on emissions in scope 3 in order to launch initiatives to achieve reductions.

As per our endorsement of SBTi, we have committed to just that. However, we have chosen a slightly more ambitious target for our reduction in scope 1 and 2; namely 70% instead of 50%.

Uni-Technology har gennemført Klimaklar Produktionsvirksomhed
Uni-Technology became a "Climate-ready Production Company'" in 2022.
Klimaklar Produktionsvirksomhed diplom
Click on the diploma to see it in full size (diploma available in Danish only)

Reduction plan

We will achieve our objectives by:

  • Sourcing as sustainably as possible and collaborating with our suppliers to create sustainable initiatives.

  • Prevent pollution and minimise waste by ensuring that our waste is recycled as much as possible.

  • Minimize our energy consumption and use renewable energy sources.

An energy review of our company has shown great potential for reducing our energy consumption. We have identified several projects that we will implement.

In addition, we have a dialogue with our suppliers about the possibility of them being able to deliver products and services with a decreasing COfootprint in the future.

We support UN’s Sustainable Developments Goals

The UN Sustainable Development Goals constitute an important basis for developing the world in a responsible and sustainable way.

We support all the goals, but we have chosen that 2 of them should be an active part of our way of doing business.

Click on the icon to learn more.

Uni-Technology is committed to reducing the use of resources in production.

  • We focus on buying green
  • Minimise waste and unnecessary use of e.g., air transport and other highly high emission activities
  • Optimise our energy consumption
  • Increase recycling to the greatest extent possible
  • Handle chemicals responsibly
  • Sort our waste
Click on the icon to learn more.

Uni-Technology is affiliated with SBTi and thus undertakes to

  • Reduce CO2 emissions by at least 50% in scope 1 and 2 by 2030
  • Measure and report CO2 emissions in all 3 scopes in our annual climate report
  • Launch initiatives to reduce emissions in all 3 scopes in cooperation with our suppliers.
Click on the icon if you want to know more about the SDGs.

Contact us!

If you need to develop production tools, injection moulds, precision mechanics and prototypes, we are your specialist.