Green is the new black

Case story from DI Business 10 November 2022

In early summer 2022, Uni-Technology A/S in Vejle completed “Climate-ready Production Company

In continuation of this, the company has learned more about their CO2 emissions, has designed a new strategy based on green transition, and they have been approved for the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

What was your motivation for being part of “Climate-ready Production Company”?

Jan Michael Jensen, Project Manager at Uni-Technology:

“Well, there were actually several reasons. First and foremost, we want to do something good for the environment, so we find it quite natural that we take responsibility for the emission of greenhouse gases that our production generates. If Denmark is to reach the goal of a 70% CO2 reduction by 2030, we all need to contribute.

At the same time, we are noticing an increasing interest in the green agenda from customers. Some have already made demands on suppliers. We see it as a condition that we have to live up to. Green is the new black. It is simply the ticket to being part of the supply chain at all. A good example is that we have read that Novo and Ørsted, among others, have made demands on their suppliers to work actively with green transition.

Finally, it is in fact both common sense and good business. When we cut CO2 emissions, we also save energy and thus costs. And when it comes to recruitment, it is also of great importance to potential employees that we as a company also contribute to the green transition”.

How did you go about it?

“As a small company with few employees, it was difficult for us to get started. There were simply no free resources to do the work, and we also did not know anything about, for example, CO2 accounting. Therefore, the company chose to hire a project manager to do the work. We see it as an investment in the future, both to control our CO2 emissions and to reduce our energy consumption.

The CO2 accounts themselves are very much about collecting data, so hundreds of invoices have been reviewed, and we have been in close dialogue with both utility companies and other suppliers.”

Uni-Technology har gennemført Klimaklar Produktionsvirksomhed
"We are proud to have completed the Climate-ready Production Company", says Project Manager Jan Michael Jensen, Uni-Technology.
In which scope did you emit the most CO2?

“Scope 3 is by far the largest area, as it covers all our purchases and transport of goods. As a tool manufacturer, we use a lot of metal and many different metal components, and the production of metal and metal components is associated with quite large emissions.

If we look at Scope 1 and 2, the areas we have direct influence on, it is our consumption of electricity and district heating that makes the biggest impact. Therefore, we have also started to investigate how we can reduce our energy consumption.”

The CO₂ accounts are made based on the GHG protocol, which divides greenhouse gas emissions into the following three scopes:

  • Scope 1 is the direct emissions from the company’s processes.
  • Scope 2 is the indirect emissions from supplied energy (production of electricity, district heating and cooling).
  • Scope 3 is the indirect emissions from the company’s value chain, both upstream and downstream.
What experiences do you take with you?

“That it’s not that difficult when you first get started, but it’s very time consuming. It is therefore important to have dedicated, focused employees to solve the task and thus allocate enough resources to the process.

We also learned that the insight into the company’s climate footprint provides a good overview of possible savings areas, and that it is generally a good idea to involve the entire organization, especially when it comes to savings proposals and their implementation.”

What is your best advice for others who want to embark on the climate journey?

“If you are completely new to this area, start reading a lot about CO2 accounts, possible CO2 reductions, the Climate Compass, etc. There are a lot of good places online where you can learn more. Also attend seminars, webinars, and other meetings. Many events are organized both in private and municipal contexts. Use the “Business Houses” and other organizations. They offer both help and support.

Otherwise, as I said, it is a data collection task, where especially the procurement part can be heavy. Start by identifying the emission categories you have, for example, according to the categories in the Climate Compass. Then contact the suppliers. They can often provide information on deliveries for longer periods of time and often also in physical units instead of monetary units, providing a more accurate calculation of emissions.”

3 quick facts
  • Uni-Technology A/S is an SME located in Vejle.
  • Uni-Technology A/S develops precision tools with a focus on the environment for all industries.
  • Uni-Technology A/S is an experienced and committed sparring partner in product development and counts both small start-ups and large international companies among their customers.
What are your next steps??

“Right now, we are looking into opportunities to reduce our energy consumption and thus our CO2 footprint.

In addition, we will use Climate-ready Production Company to create growth and strengthen our competitiveness. We want to grow, so we are working on a completely new strategy for the company. We believe that right now we have a good starting point for creating more revenue and earnings. We are happy to have started this journey, because when customers really start demanding a climate strategy from their suppliers, we are ready.

We follow the development at progress meetings, where the individual tasks are moved forward in the phases “to do”, “in progress” and “finished”: This ensures that we move safely towards our goals. We also run an idea box throughout the company, where we can come up with ideas on how to reduce CO2 in the company.

Recently, we have also just been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). It’s going to be very exciting!”

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Climate-ready Production Company

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