3D prototype secured students top marks

From idea to the real world

The meeting between Christian and Uni-Technology was a success for both parties

Christian studied at the International Business Academy, where he studied Entrepreneurship and Design.

The education works with idea generation, idea process, research, and prototyping. The study teaches the students how to get their ideas out into the real world.

It was precisely under this premise that the meeting between Christian and Uni-Technology was to spark.

Christian’s annual exam was on the way, and he had chosen to solve a problem that was supported by his research and personal experience.

Research and idea

Christian’s research showed an area with a lack of security solutions in the everyday lives of Danes. He had focused his attention on the risks we expose ourselves to in traffic, where especially cyclists are vulnerable.

The primary aim was to increase the safety of cyclists in traffic, especially at intersections, as his research indicated that this is where the highest proportion of accidents take place. Christian himself had experienced that first-hand losing a friend to this issue, and now the idea light bulb shone brightly.

All that was needed was an approach, which was established based on his educational background, and the collaboration with Uni-Technology. Thus, a solid presentation for the exam was ensured, not to mention the potential to influence the market with his solution to the problem.

3D drawings and 3D printing

In the design considerations, a lot of things were considered. According to studies, Danes were not willing enough to wear a bicycle helmet or visibility vest for cosmetic reasons, in favour of greater traffic safety. In addition, observations of cyclists in Copenhagen showed that traffic rules such as reaching out to the side when cornering and hand up at stops are not observed.

The idea was therefore to integrate LED brake, flashing, daytime running lights and a digital, amplified bell into a visible and trendy frame. For this, 3D drawings and 3D printing had to be prepared. For these, particular attention was paid to the detail of form and placement, so that the target group and its wishes, as well as safety requirements in relation to solving the task were met.

We thank Christian for his inventive mind, enthusiasm, and dedication to the task.

With a final grade for the project of 12 (highest mark in Denmark), as well as the prospect of a semester at Coventry University in the UK focusing on product design, we feel that our collaboration was a success.

Finally, time was added to graphic work, so the surface of the bike got a nice design with its own logo.

The result speaks for itself.

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